While listening to the Little Misses narrate about pterodactyls, I started dozing. So I scooted them off to write about these amazing fliers in their science notebooks, while I enjoyed a quick cat nap. When I woke up, I sleepily realized just how blessed we are to homeschool: Miss 13 and Mr. 16 were at the computer, discussing […]
Congratulations, Mr. Harper
Yesterday Canadians returned Prime Minister Stephen Harper to his job, this time with a majority government. Although a Conservative majority win had been predicted by some, the entire Canadian political landscape has been radically changed by this election. May God bless Prime Minister Harper as well as Mr. Layton, the new leader of the opposition. May He bless […]
The Creek and the Sand Pile on the First Warm Day
Today the Little Misses and two friends played in a tiny creek we have, damming it up, floating logs, and swimming. I brought them a picnic—chips, cheese, and salsa in old yoghurt tubs—that they ate while sitting on a log across the stream, bare feet dangling in the water and rubber boots tossed on the […]
A Conference Miracle
I’ve attended many homeschooling conferences and know many dedicated and sincere people with a heart for homeschoolers and for families. Today, however, surpassed all I’ve experienced before: one family gave every family attending our conference a package of resources. Yes, gave, as in for free, and yes, every single family! It was not a small […]