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Review: Frugal Molly Discusses Emergency Preparedness

This month, for the first time, I didn’t want to read my new Molly’s Money-Saving Digest.  The topic is “Emergency Preparedness,” and I kind of like a stick-your-head-in-the-sand mentality.  Of course, that is neither wise nor prudent nor good, and I really should tackle some of these projects.  With Molly’s practical tips, it will be […]

TWT: Stop Procrastinating, Make a Will

helping each other be good stewards of all our resources: money, possessions, time, energy, and health Our will is over a decade old, with a few handwritten changes. (Not good!) That has been preying on my conscience for a while.  But this is not a pleasant topic, it requires difficult decisions, and it takes time.  […]

On the Eve of the First Day

Hear the music in the background: “Totally unprepared are we, to face a world of school; totally unprepared are we, to live life by that rule….” Well, not totally unprepared, although that fits the song!  But I still don’t feel quite ready.   We went to a church picnic–in the rain–instead of doing the final little preparations, […]

Support Adopt–a-Classroom for Free

With all the emphasis on giving to those far away, we sometimes tend to forget those in North America.  And, face it, most of us do not have unlimited funds to assist all the people we want to help.  Now, we all know that the public education system is in trouble.  In fact, some schools are […]

Fit Mommy Friday

My fitness goals for this week were:  Be more systematic about exercise.  Oops!  I was totally random about it instead. Find a physiotherapist.  I think I’ve located one close by. I hope she will understand muscles that can give up for a day or more if they’re worked at all.  “Post-exertion malaise” some call it.  […]