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How do you nurture a love of learning in your child?

People sometimes ask, “How do you instill a love of learning in your child?”    I think that’s the wrong question.  Children are naturally curious and eager to learn, and God has instilled this in them.  Instead, the question should be, “How do you nurture this love of learning? Here are some of the things […]

My Favorite eCard Sites

    I just finished sending a birthday card—no hunting for stamps, no running to the post office, and no time-consuming rush to the store as for a traditional card.  And no extra expense.   All I did was browse the Web Gallery of Art, choose a beautiful still life by a woman painter of […]

Homeschooling: A Life-Style to Be Thankful For

  How has homeschooling changed our life?  That is a difficult question to answer, because our family knows no other life.  We’ve been homeschooling forever, it seems… in any case since Miss 17 was old enough to attend junior kindergarten.   So I’ll answer the related question:  How would our lives be different if we […]

Just a ‘Wee Bit’ Overwhelmed

  Suddenly it feels as though I have a few too many things on the go.  Besides homeschooling my five children and all the usual home chores, I must complete these projects before Saturday: Select photos for my sister who is making a book for my parents and mail them to her on a CD.  This is […]

Q: How do you do it all? A: You don’t have to.

Just how can I get it all done?  This is the question that haunted me for many years.  There were so many things that needed doing, and I just couldn’t get them all done.  So I read time management books (for fun and relaxation) and I did learn a lot from them.  But… I still […]