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Why So Many Activities?

As September approaches, my two oldest children are reminding me to enrol them for judo.  I will.  They enjoy the sport, put a lot of energy into it, learn a lot of skills, and get a huge amount of exercise.  The price is very reasonable for four hours a week, and the drive takes 5 […]

Taming the Homeschool Information Overload Monster

    This is the title of today’s Homeschool Freebie of the Day, and it’s wonderful.  If you have information or resource overload, this little freebie will help you immeasurably.  Usually the resources at this site are only available for a day, but I’ve requested that this one be available for longer since it is so […]

Furnace Duct Cleaning

  We had our furnace duct work cleaned yesterday.  That was definitely not a tightwad project, but I did learn a few things.   If you want to save money on the air quality in your home, Use good furnace filters and change them regularly and often. Seal up duct work if doing major renovations […]

To Work or To Think, That is the Question

  In his master’s thesis years ago, a friend acknowledged his supervisor, Dr. P., and the departmental lab technician, G.R., with a statement so profound it has been hanging up in my home ever since.  He thanked     “…G. R. who showed me that a minute of work can save an hour of thought […]

A Holiday, Blog Carnivals, and Memes

  Yesterday it rained.  We could not do our usual morning gardening, and at breakfast we discussed some sensible plans for doing useful things.  Then … we went ahead and did almost none of them.  Instead, all day long we just did what we wanted to, except for Miss 16 yo who went to her […]