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Past Weston Lectures, A Springtime Treat for You

Every spring in downtown Ottawa a very special event takes place, the Weston Lecture.  These lectures are examples of top level scholarship from a Christian point of view.  Professors and scholars who love the Lord share their expertise on how Christianity impacts their disciplines.  Often it seems that a lifetime of thought is distilled in […]

Free Virtual Field Trips

For some of us, being at home is not a big deal—some of us even prefer it. If, however, you and your kids are used to being out and about, being at home can be a difficult thing to manage cheerfully. However you and your family react to the home-based life, a field trip is […]

Is Modern Science Making Atheism Improbable?

It used to be that atheists would point to science and say that they couldn’t believe in God because of science. Now, however, it is becoming less and less possible for any well-informed person to honestly embrace atheism. The universe is just too complex and too perfectly designed for such an idea. What’s more, every […]

Special Exhibitions in Ottawa, 2020

Over the years we have seen some amazing things at special exhibitions, from the Dead Sea Scrolls and one of the earliest copies of the Magna Charta to the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci and paintings by Van Gogh. However, we almost missed several of these special exhibitions because it’s hard to keep track of […]

A Chameleon, to the Glory of God

Sometimes looking at nature can make me think of all sorts of deep things. Other times I have only one response, “Wow! My God made that!” Recently we spent some time watching this chameleon. It looked us over with its ever-rotating cone-shaped eye. The other eye, on its other side, was looking at something else. […]