In the spring my husband and I will be married a quarter century! While anticipating this milestone, I also want to focus on making our marriage even better for the next 25 years. As you probably know, every long-term relationship develops blind spots. To discover and eliminate new blind spots that have popped up, I […]
Reviews: Nonfiction
Review: The Long Awakening by Lindsey O’Connor
When Lindsey O’Connor entered the hospital for the birth of her fifth baby, she fully expected to walk out in a few days with her baby in her arms. Instead, she hemorrhaged terribly and spent the next 47 days in a medically-induced coma. This is the story of her long, long awakening—all the physical, emotional, […]
Review: Reading with Purpose by Nancy Wilson
Would you encourage your teen to hang out, unsupervised, with some of the most charming, persuasive, and articulate non-Christians in the world? That is what’s happening when they read literature without guidance. Obviously, this can have devastating effects. So, what is a Christian homeschooling parent to do? We must understand both the ideas and the […]
Review: Mathematics: Is God Silent? by James Nickel
Here’s an essential question for all homeschoolers: does God have anything to say about mathematics? Is there a Christian way to teach math, or is it a neutral subject on which an atheist and a believer would agree? In 357 thoroughly-researched pages, James Nickel shows that those who do not believe in God eventually […]
Review: Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge
Although I had seen the book Captivating mentioned all over the internet, I was not planning to read it because it seemed all wrong. “Your heart matters more than anything else in all creation.” (back cover) “You are sought after, pursued, romanced, the passionate desire of your Fiance, Jesus.” (p 217) “For the root of […]