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Butterfly Chrysalises and our Children’s Salvation

The other day I spent 40 minutes watching a butterfly ‘nursery’. A few butterflies had partially emerged from their chrysalises. Some were dangling from their empty former home, occasionally flapping their tiny, awkwardly-shaped wings. Others, already looking like proper butterflies, rested or tried out their long new tongues,* curling and uncurling them repeatedly. The most […]

Sharing What Can Be Shared

This week a tiny red squirrel discovered our bird feeder. He sits straight up underneath it, eating one spilled seed at a time with his wee paws. He’s almost as tall as a blue jay when he sits like that, and he and the jays seem to get along well. I cannot show you a […]

The Christian Greats Challenge

My friend Carol is hosting an online reading club this year: “Christian Greats Challenge: Past and Present.”  Carol is an Australian homeschooling mom who writes the most delightful and thoughtful book reviews. She planned this challenge’s categories partly to counter what C. S. Lewis calls ‘chronological snobbery’, defined as ‘the uncritical acceptance of the intellectual […]

Curriculum Plans for a Relaxed Homeschool High School (ages 15, 17)

Due to health issues our home high school has gone from very intense and academic for our older three to more relaxed while still rather academic for the younger two.  We no longer set long term accomplishment goals as, ‘this is how much we will do this term,’ but we set process goals like, ‘this […]

March and April at our House

These months have been a blur of snow, rain, and daffodils; of learning and medical appointments; of hockey and bunny escapes and driving lessons.  They have been so full that, looking back, I can think of hardly anything that happened. But things did. Most importantly and so easily ignored, we enjoyed God’s everyday goodness in […]