Want your family to be healthier? Me, too. We have all heard that many of the health conditions many of us deal with are modern-day issues, from the increase in cancer and heart disease to the explosion of autoimmune diseases and mental illness. Undoubtedly these conditions are partly related to things we have no control […]
older teens and adults
For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)
Looking for a Classical Christian One-Year College?
Are you looking for a classical Christian one-year college? An excellent one that includes community and is not too expensive? Let me tell you about Augustine College, a top-notch, intentionally-tiny college in the heart of Ottawa, Canada. With its close-knit community and commitment to rigorous, Christ-centered study, Augustine College has been a formative influence in […]
Online Science Articles by Margaret Helder
When I was growing up, our family regularly read science articles by Dr. Margaret Helder in Reformed Perspective, a Christian magazine we subscribed to (now online here). I learned a lot then—facts and ideas as well as the basic concept that it was possible to be a Christian in science—and went on to become a […]
Worksheets Based on The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages
Sometimes a person gets involved in a project that just grows and grows. While I was writing an article on Shaunti Feldhahn’s The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages and simultaneously trying to understand how to help a friend apply its wisdom to her marriage, it occurred to me that I needed to make a […]
Review: Where We Belong by Lynn Austin
Rebecca and Flora Hawes, sisters in the late 1800’s, are always in search of adventure, especially Rebecca who, filled with an insatiable longing for more than school and high society, drags Flora along. As teens they sneak away from school, their Paris hotel, and the safe parts of their own city, filled with youthful heedlessness […]