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older teens and adults

For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)

Review: 7 Women by Eric Metaxas

Biographies can be among the most inspiring reading, and 7 Women by Eric Metaxas changed me before I had even finished it. In this book Metaxes presents engaging biographies of 7 women who had a huge impact on the world. He describes their lives and times, discusses their motivation, and demonstrates their significance to the […]

Review: Death in Florence by Paul Strathern

Over 500 years ago in Florence lived two men who exemplified the struggle between ‘progressive materialism and the rule of spirituality,’ Lorenzo de Medici and Savonarola. Of course, in some aspects this struggle has been an intrinsic part of the human condition since Cain and Abel, but in Death in Florence Paul Strathern focuses on […]

Our Outer Nature Wastes Away

We all know that we are on a journey to decrepitude and death, but at times it hits home very hard. The other day one of my dearest people told me it’s official; her mind is going. She couldn’t even remember the words for it, Alzheimer’s, dementia. Yes, sometimes thinking about the future makes her […]

The Four Levels of Reading, Summarized for High School

Besides the Bible, How to Read a Book  by Adler and Van Doren (link is to my review) has been the foundational book of our high school at home program. It is an intense volume that teaches readers how get the most out of any book they read, as well as how to decide which […]

Review: Side by Side by Edward Welch

Each one of us is needy, and the longer we live the more we understand how deep our need is. However, we may not all realize that we are needed too; even though we may be a mess, God commands us to care for our brothers and sisters in their neediness.  In Side by Side: […]