Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

older teens and adults

For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)

Review: Two Roads Home by Deborah Raney

Corinne, a stay-at-home mom to three adorable little girls and Jesse, her successful husband, seem to have the perfect life.  But Corrine is stressed by Jess’s intense travel schedule, and Jesse, sole provider of  a luxurious lifestyle, has stresses of his own.  One of them is Michaela, a coworker who is becoming too friendly during long […]

Bloggers Who Became Authors

  While reviewing Nina Amir’s How to Blog a Book (link to my review), I realized that many of the books I’ve read are very closely related to their authors’ blogs.  As someone who delights in watching others achieve big dreams, I offer you this list of bloggers who have published books based on their blogs. […]

Review: A Friend in Me by Pamela Havey Lau

There are so many lonely people in the world.  One of them may even be you. Some say loneliness is an inevitable part of living in a sin-drenched world, and there is a measure of truth in that.  On the other hand, Christians should be there for the lonely, for those who are struggling and […]

Review: How to Blog a Book, Revised & Expanded Edition by Nina Amir

At the back of my mind I have a dream, like a child’s pretty pebble, that I take out, admire once in a while, and then tuck away again.  I suppose many bloggers have the same dream:  to write a book.  After all, writing a book is traditionally what writers dream of…and we bloggers are […]

Review: Take My Hand Again

Not only are our children growing older, but so are our parents.  And, while the children are becoming more independent, the parents may be becoming more dependent.  That is the way life works in our broken world. It’s not easy, this business of our parents growing older.  It is difficult emotionally, of course.  But there […]