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older teens and adults

For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)

Review: Spurgeon’s Sorrows: Realistic Hope for Those who Suffer from Depression

  When he was only twenty-two years old, Charles Spurgeon’s preaching was interrupted by a prankster shouting, “Fire!”  Thousands of listeners panicked, killing seven people and seriously injuring twenty-eight. This trauma plunged Spurgeon into a deep depression that recurred throughout his life and ministry.   Instead of hiding his struggles, Spurgeon often mentioned his anguish, both […]

The Drop Box, a Documentary about Life

A bell chimes and Pastor Lee Jong-rak hurries past shelves of baby supplies to the drop box at the front of his house.  He opens its door and finds yet another baby.  Carefully he carries it back to the warmth of the living quarters, unwraps it while volunteers and some of his children watch, and […]

Review: Remember the Lilies by Liz Tolsma

  It was 1941 in Manila’s Santo Tomas Internment Camp.  Irene Reynolds, living there with Anita the missionary aunt who adopted her when her father disappeared, worked for the Japanese censors.  Usually she passed on censored parts of messages, but this one time it did not seem important. Rand Sterling, a former wealthy night club […]

Nine Helpful Marriage Books

Right now the shops may be full of pink hearts, roses, and chocolate treats, but I encourage us all to focus on strengthening our marriages.  Our relationship with our spouse is, after all, the foundation of our family and homeschool, as well as a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the Church.  Therefore it […]

Review: The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy and Kathy Keller

  Last year some of us gathered on balmy summer evenings to discuss Timothy and Kathy Keller’s The Meaning of Marriage.  It was an inspiring study book and a wonderful shared experience. The Meaning of Marriage, based on Ephesians 5 and Genesis 2, discusses all aspects of marriage, from its meaning and purpose to the […]