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older teens and adults

For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)

Review: Burning Questions Apologetics DVDs

What is life all about?  Why are we here, and do we matter?  How should we live?  Such questions are all around us, asked by people of all ages and backgrounds.  Obviously, they provide an ideal starting point for evangelism, but most of us are not equipped to help either seekers or skeptics. Ravi Zacharias […]

Homeschoolers and The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

I love personal development books.  They remind me of the importance of thinking about how I live and of examining whether or not what I do meets my goals of loving God and those around me.  I almost always finish such a book inspired and with one or two small practical changes to implement in […]

Review: Honey for a Teen’s Heart

Most homeschoolers know about Honey for a Child’s Heart, and recently Heidi reviewed Honey for a Teen’s Heart  at the Curriculum Choice.  That wonderful review motivated me to look for the book, and as soon as I returned my interlibrary loan copy to the library, I bought it. It’s that good. And that’s why I […]

Review: Road Trip by Evan Nehring

Life for young people, says Evan Nehring, is a road trip between their parents’ driveway and their own, years later.  He wants to come along with them on their trip, sharing what his journey was like and passing on all the things he learned. Evan’s book Road Trip is an exhilarating and passionate gift from […]

Review: The Stories We Tell by Mike Cosper

Every culture has its stories. Our Western culture’s stories are, more and more, presented in movie form.  So, for us and our children to engage the culture, we need to consider movies, both the ones we watch and the ones we don’t watch. However, because we Christians are part of God’s much greater culture, we […]