One of the first homeschooling talks I listened to pointed out an interesting fact: most homeschooling moms can manage the actual homeschooling quite well. What leads to homeschool stress and burn out is not the actual homeschooling itself but all the other things moms deal with, including financial pressure. Thus The Money $aving Mom’s Budget […]
older teens and adults
For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)
Review: Three Men Came to Heidelberg and Glorious Heretic
The Reformation of the 16th century produced many great documents, including the beloved Heidelberg Catechism and the thorough Belgic Confession. For their 400th anniversaries, about 50 years ago, Thea B. Van Halsema wrote the stories of how these two influential documents were written. Three Men Came to Heidelberg tells the story of the Heidelberg Catechism. […]
Review: Prize of My Heart by Lisa Norato
Early one 1815 morning Lorena Huntley met a stranger in her father’s ship yards. The same morning, Captain Brogan Talvis encountered a skinny scullery maid, and five year old Drew felled a giant with his slingshot, just like David felled Goliath. So begins this heartwarming story of Captain Talvis hunting for the son his late wife had given […]
Review: The Wise Woman’s Guide to Blessing her Husband’s Vision
I’ll never forget a new acquaintance telling me bitterly that she had wanted her family to go into missions, ‘but Ed here didn’t want to.’ Husband Ed was sitting right there, resigned to being criticized in front of his children and people he had barely met. He was a godly man, but certainly not a respected […]