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older teens and adults

For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)

Review: The Maid of Fairbourne Hall by Julie Klassen

When heiress Margaret Macy overhears an evil scheme to force her to marry her step-father’s nephew, she flees.  She has no money and in the 19th century there is only one way for her to survive:  find a position as a servant.  Although she has never done a stitch of work in her life, she […]

Homeschool Review: EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey

As a homeschooling mother of teens, I was looking for a practical, insightful book about business. I wanted my teens to have at least some exposure to the business world and all it entails, and I wanted them to learn from a Christian. Well, I couldn’t have found a better book for all this than […]

Review: The Resolution for Men

  It felt really strange to read this book, because it’s written for men.  However, it was part of the Courageous review series, and my husband promised to give me his input.  Obviously, this blog is not written for men but for homeschooling moms.   So, dear sister, if this sounds like something that would encourage […]

Molly Saves! While Keeping Healthy and Fit

If you always enter the New Year with evaluations of the past and prayerful dreams for the future, you’ll love Molly Saves!  While Keeping Healthy and Fit.  Molly addresses health goals as well as many other goals and gives specific resources to help you achieve them.  Learn about kettlebells, exercise balls, peanut butter smoothies, superfoods, […]

Review: The Resolution for Women

Did you know that everyone makes resolutions, all the time?  Each day we choose how to act, what to do, how to live, and what kind of person to be.  Others know us by these choices that shape our todays and our tomorrows.   However, we’re often not intentional about the decisions that mold our lives.  […]