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Searching for the Positive

As I was outlining the possible outcomes of a dreaded medical appointment to Miss 18, she said, “There, now you’ve said something positive about each possibility.” And I responded, “Well, since God is in charge and loves us there is something positive in everything.  We may as well focus on finding what that is rather […]

Celebrating Ascension Day

Tomorrow is Ascension Day, the day we celebrate that Jesus went to heaven. But why is that a cause for celebration? Why is it good that Jesus went to heaven? First of all, of course, he is interceding for us at God’s right hand.  (Romans 8:34) And, amazing thought, he is busy preparing a place […]

Time Sensitive: Being a Woman of the Word by Nancy Campbell

I just listened to “Being a Woman of the Word” by Nancy Campbell.  It is probably the most important talk I have heard in years, and I encourage you to drop everything to listen to it! Yes, now, or tomorrow.  Just take one hour to be inspired, encouraged, and equipped to be a woman of […]

Review: Irenaeus of Lyon by Simonetta Carr

As we look ahead to Good Friday and Easter, it is good to remember that the Bible tells us all we need to know about our salvation and about how to be thankful for it.  We do not need to wait for special revelations or hidden messages.  We just  need to humbly accept God’s Word. […]

Review: Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller

Everywhere you look, you see them:  people who are obsessed with themselves.  To be honest, we see such a person when we look in the mirror as well. We all are self-centered, at least to some degree, and our individualistic, on-display culture aggravates this natural tendency. But, as Rick Warren famously said, “It’s not about […]