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My Fair Lady: A Real Disappointment

I remember reading Shaw’s Pygmalion years ago.  Of course, I did not like ‘enry ‘iggins very much, but he wasn’t meant to be likeable, and, taken as a whole, the play was a lot of fun. Now, however, I’ve watched the old 1964 movie starring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison.  With Miss 14 and Miss […]

Resources for Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Prince Hamlet, distraught by his widowed mother’s rapid remarriage, is approached by his father’s ghost demanding revenge on his murderer.  Torn by conflict, Hamlet is maddened by this command, causing all around him to worry for him and setting in motion a plot which ends, as you may know, with almost every survivor dying at a […]

Review: Faith Like Potatoes

Farmer Angus Buchan, extremely stressed, moves his family from trouble in Zambia to trouble in South Africa.  Angus tries to settle onto his new farm but he struggles, falling apart and constantly losing his temper, until his sweet wife is in despair and wants to get tranquilizers for him.  Then she convinces him to attend […]

Sisters in the Wilderness, an Introduction to Canadian History and Literature

Here’s a wonderful introduction to Canadian history and literature for the whole family:  Sisters in the Wilderness. This DVD portrays the mid-19th century pioneer life of two sisters who sailed from England expecting an easy existence in the Canadian bush.  Incorporating both contemporary artwork and dramatization, this quality film full of beauty, pathos, humanity, and […]

Learning about The Fascinating World of Farming

  We’ve always tried to grow some of our own food, for both health and financial reasons. It wasn’t until later that we realized it was a wonderful educational opportunity as well, perfect for our homeschooling family.  We learn about plants and animals, bugs and diseases, and soil.  What’s more, we learn how they are […]