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4 Reasons our Kids Should Learn Handwriting

In this day of computers and smartphones, should we still teach our kids handwriting? Or can we just type or tap on our devices? This question comes up regularly, and the answer has not changed even though society has. Handwriting—or at least printing—is absolutely necessary even in modern life. We no longer need to focus […]

Review: Write from Medieval History: Level One

After Miss 11 works on her NaNoWriMo novel or does her math, she is exhausted.  Then she often turns to Write from Medieval History.  With its lovely stories and clean, uncluttered pages it is both interesting and soothing. Although Write from Medieval History: Level I by Kimberly Garcia is aimed at grades 1-3 for its […]

Preview: Write from Medieval History

When Kimberly Garcia asked me to review her Write from History series, I hesitated.  I like to actually use the curricula I review to be able to provide a hands-on review, and I was not sure we could fit this in. Some discussion with Miss 11 changed my mind.  She had done Presidential Penmanship, an […]

Review: Copywork Lessons for Future Heroes

This summer I wanted Miss 12 to keep up with her hard-won cursive writing skills and fill her mind with inspiring thoughts. Then I was offered Copywork for Future Heroes to review, and it works perfectly. Copywork for Future Heroes is an ebook containing 150 days of quotations from the Bible and famous people such […]

Review: Presidential Penmanship

  Every week I ponder some of the wisest sayings of the US Presidents. Here’s quote that ended up on my desk this morning, in painstakingly neat handwriting: It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God.—Abraham Lincoln Yes, Miss 11 is learning handwriting, […]