We and our children are all citizens of at least one country of the world. As Christians we are also citizens of heaven. Our dual citizenship leads to a number of questions: How do these two citizenships relate? What is our country’s history, and how do its laws work? What does the Bible say […]
Portraits of Integrity by Marilyn Boyer: Currently Free on Kindle
We try to teach our children character by example, by teaching, and by encouragement. Marilyn Boyer, pioneering homeschool mom of 14, has another very good approach: stories. In Portraits of Integrity (Volume 1) Marilyn tells 17 “stories of real people from history who, in the course of their lives, have been placed in situations where […]
Review: Crucifying Morality by R. W. Glenn
Recently I heard a speaker explain that the Beatitudes are ‘a course in character development opposite to modern psychology’. That they are opposite to all psychology, modern and ancient, is obvious. But there is some serious debate as to whether or not the Beatitudes are a course we should follow. In Crucifying Morality, R. W. […]