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Fit Mommy Friday


Well, it’s time to check in for Fit Mommy Friday.  Would you believe I completely forgot about fitness this week? 

This is how it happened.  Saturday night I attended a ladies’ evening at our church, and it was gripping and inspiring.  My husband told his buddies that I came home “drunk on conversation”—a fairly accurate assessment, I guess.  That didn’t wear off for over 24 hours, so I had two nights of thinking instead of sleeping….  Of course, after that I couldn’t think at all anymore and developed a nasty cold…and then I felt too miserable to remember anything.  It was all worth it, though.

Average at least 6000 steps, five days a week. I did not keep proper track of my steps since my pedometer is misbehaving again.  Because I took three decent walks in the lovely spring air I probably managed 5000 steps a day. That’s not too bad, I guess, and it will only get better as the weather improves.

Do my physio exercises regularly.  No.  I forgot.

Avoid sugar six days a week. I enjoyed Miss 13’s yummy gluten-free baking:  chocolate-covered peanut butter balls, double chocolate cookies, and Saint Patrick’s Day cupcakes.  Now that I’ve got this chest infection, though, sweets don’t appeal to me at all.

Eat lots of vegetables and yoghurt.  Drink kefir. Well, I’ve discovered that kefir gets very sour if you don’t drink it daily, but it’s still palatable.  We had yoghurt several days this week, and quite a few vegetables as well.

Rest daily. Yes, but it’s hard to sleep when you can barely breathe and when there’s so much to think about….  Probably it’s time to work on relaxation techniques again.

I’m looking for the magic key to turning the mind off when the body needs to rest.  Any suggestions?

If you want to join Fit Mommies, just visit Denise at Got Chai? As you can tell from my posts, you don’t need to be very active or healthy to participate, although some of the Fit Mommies are.


  1. Denise Opper says:

    Awww…! I’m sorry you’re sick, sweetie! That’s no fun! 🙁 My three kiddos have been sick with a wicked-nasty cough since last weekend, too. Prayers & cyber hugs!!!

    But in other news…congratulations on your very own domain name!! Woohoo! That’s soooo cool!!! 😀

  2. Stacy says:

    Sorry to hear you are sick. I hope you start feeling better soon!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      I’m feeling so much better today! Perhaps that day I spent sitting down at hubby’s office on Friday was a very good thing. I drank 6 bottles of water that day, too. It was great.

      Annie Kate

  3. I am so sorry you are sick! i hope you heal fast and you can get some rest! thank you for sharing! sometimes praying helps me to turn off, mostly i just need to wait until i am ready. i never lay in my bed except to sleep and i heard that helps you, too.

  4. Get better QUICK! I’m thinking if you eat whole foods and drink your water and stuff it will get better faster~also if I pray while trying to sleep something about the ole enemy who doesn’t want me praying…LOL..I end up in a snore pretty quick! ;-)) HUGS!

  5. Jen says:

    Sorry to hear you are sick. Do you make your own yogurt? We got a yogurt machine a while back and love it.

    Get better soon.

  6. Briana says:

    Oh, no. I hope you are feeling better soon and can get some good sleep tonight!

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