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Review: Whatever I Want to Be by Young Avenue Kids

Whatever I want to be (400x400)

I always cringe when I notice little ones listening to beat-driven, raucous music.  There’s so much beautiful music in the world; why not let them listen to that?  That is why I’m thrilled to tell you about  Whatever I Want To Be by Young Avenue Kids.

In this award-winning CD, Ilana Melmed and Young Avenue Kids have produced a series of catchy lyrics set to classical melodies all children should knowWhatever I Want to Be showcases eleven original songs as well as an eleven-track feature titled, “The Kids Speak About the Composers” in which the music is introduced and then played without lyrics.

While Emmy Award winner Stephen Cohn contributed to this CD, Ilana, lecturer at USC, was the producer and lyricist.  Her lyrics are positive, full of imagination, and educational, but it’s the music she really focuses on.  “I hope to share my passion for classical music and to introduce young children everywhere to its richness and diversity.”

Ilana has been enjoying classical music since her childhood.  As a mother, she would often sing with her children about their current activities, setting words to music and trying to make sure they rhymed.  The children—and now the grandchildren—loved it.  In fact, six of Ilana’s own grandchildren sing and speak on this CD.

Now, in songs like “William Tell is Oh So Swell,” “Clean Up Time,” “The Orchestra Families,” and “The Circus,” Ilana introduces other little ones to some of the greatest music ever written.  While the first 11 tracks include lyrics, the next 11 showcase the music itself, introduced by the children.

This is the kind of music my children grew up with, and I’m so happy to recommend this CD so other children, too, will learn to enjoy classical music.

You can hear short excerpts of the music with lyrics on the Young Avenue Kids website.

Disclosure:  I received a review copy of this CD from Waldmania.  As always, no compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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