Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

Our Plans for the Day


This morning I was woken up by the bang of the front screen door, at 5:30.  My husband was off to work early so that he could drop Miss 16 Year-Old off at her dairy farm job.  She’s there one very, very long day a week and loves every moment of it.


The rest of the crew is still fast asleep.  Now that flu season is upon us, I try to let everyone sleep as much as possible.  That is one of the huge benefits of homeschooling, and I myself usually try to take advantage of it, too.  This morning, however, my mind was full of plans for the day and I couldn’t sleep anymore.


Last week the two men of the family did some repair work on the house.  Today and tomorrow will be nice weather, so we have some painting to do as soon as the sun warms up the wood.  One of the jobs is easy, and the older children will be able to do it.  Painting trim around our veranda windows is a bit trickier, and that will likely be my job.


Of course, there’s also the usual schoolwork to do, and garden work now that it’s nice weather, as well as the basic cooking and housework.


This promises to be one of those contented days that red-headed Anne of Green Gables referred to in later years as pearls.  Nothing dramatic, nothing traumatic, just happiness and useful tasks.  Thank You, Lord!


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