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Fit Mommy Check-In


Well, this week was much better.  I feel good!


Exercise:  I walked almost every day, usually along the road, and once while grocery shopping in several large stores.  I did some stretching, and, inspired by the other fit mommies, I even did two push ups.  Of course, doing those push ups was not smart, but it was fun.  I waved my arms about when it felt right and was careful not to overdo it.


Food:  Not quite as many vegetables as I should have had, but still quite a few.  Lots of yoghurt and flaxseed as usual.  And once again I cut way back on yeast-friendly foods like sugars, yeast breads, vinegars, and more.  What a difference in my energy!   And the aches and pains in both muscles and joints are disappearing again.   I’m thankful for my good doctor who told me to keep an eye on this and who encouraged and supervised an aggressive treatment program last year.  Obviously I still have to be careful.


Relaxation:  Yes.  I’m still working on learning slow breathing and on relaxing my muscles and my mind.  This is very difficult, but it’s making a difference.  On the other hand, after sleeping soundly every afternoon naptime for weeks, I’ve had twice this week that I couldn’t sleep but just rested.  How thankful I am for that!


Back to Normal Life:  Praise the Lord; I can include this category now, I think!  It’s almost two years ago that I became very ill, and even longer since I was able to make it to our evening Bible study.  This week, Miss 17 drove me, and I stayed awake the whole time.  God had a little surprise for us when we got there, though; for various reasons, the study had been cancelled, so we had a pleasant visit instead.


I am very thankful for the great improvement in my health this week, especially when I recall how sad I was about the lack of progress just last weekend.  God is good.


If you are interested in reading about other moms’ journeys to fitness, please visit Fit Mommy Friday.



  1. Anonymous says:

    You are doing a wonderful job! I am so excited for you!!!


    Mrs. White


  2. Anonymous says:

    What an inspirational update! Congratulations on your multiple successes this week! That's really awesome, esp. about the nutritional aspect and its improvements to your health. You rock!!! 🙂


  3. proverbsmama says:

    How wonderful that you are doing better! I'm so happy for you.

    I've been thinking of you a lot this week as I've been watching the Olympics. Are you anywhere near there?

  4. LarabaK says:

    Praise God indeed! It is a tremendous struggle to have poor health, and I praise God that He has carried you through the bad times, and is giving you renewed strength!

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