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Fit Mommy Friday Week #12




We have had such wonderful weather the last few days!  It’s been very hard to stay inside to do our schoolwork when the birds and the warm sunshine beckoned to us from outside.


But that’s OK.  I’m hoping to spend so much time outside this summer that I’ll be completely well by fall.  It might work, and at least it should make a difference. 


This is already the 12th Fit Mommy week!  I’m feeling so much better than at the start of the year, and it’s partly because I have to tell my fellow Fit Mommies what I’ve done each week. That’s great motivation.  Thanks, ladies!


Exercise:  I spent a lot of time straightening out flower beds, wandering around looking at crocuses, and poking around in the soil of my vegetable garden.  Although I took very few actual walks, all this strolling around our yard was probably more exercise.


Food:  We all ate more vegetables, and it felt great.  Perhaps we’ll have tomato soup for lunch, with apple crisp for the children.  That’s a yummy, healthy, clear-the-freezer meal–and although going through the freezers is on my list of upcoming ‘exercise,’  I want to make the job as easy as possible.


Relaxation:  I spent lots of time outside and in my garden, which is the ultimate relaxation.  We’re taking a three day weekend, and that’s relaxing too.


Back to Normal Life:  I’m ready to start collecting for the Canadian Cancer Society this weekend.  We’re also planning to go to a potluck supper on Saturday evening.  We’ll see how it works to go to church Sunday morning after being out the evening before.


Fitness goals for Next Week:  More time outside.  More veggies.  Some light spring cleaning.  More walking.  Resting well between activities, and only doing them for short amounts of time so that I don’t get too tired.  Learning more about getting extra nutrition from grains by soaking them.


For an update on the activities of other Fit Mommies, please visit Fit Mommy Friday.


Wishing you a blessed Easter weekend.



  1. jenn4him says:

    I need to include more vegetables in our diet. I am so bad about being lazy in that arena. We've had nicer weather too. I have enjoyed being outside yesterday and today, too. Have a blessed Easter.


  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the reminder that relaxation is just as important as activity in life. I've been playing around with the idea of a garden, but now I think I have to start making a plan to actually plant the darn thing. 🙂

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