Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

What a Day!

Welcome to all my faithful friends and to everyone who pops by from On The Company Porch!  I hope you find this a pleasant place to relax and read about our homeschool, our lives, and all sorts of neat books and curriculum.  

Let me begin by telling  you about the very first day of our summer holidays.  It was absolutely astonishing.

After a chicken theft last night, we decided we needed a new dog.  Three hours later, Hanna, an Australian sheepdog, became Buddy’s companion in his old age.  She’s a beautiful, smart, feisty little thing, and Buddy has to get used to that.  Although they are friends, they can’t help looking longingly at each other’s food bowls.  They’ve had a few dramatic squabbles over food, but I’m sure that things will settle down. 

Next big series of events:  Miss 17 started a blog, Holstein-Friesian, named after the black and white milk cow.  Miss 12 also started a blog and called hers Blogging Beth.  Mr 15 is starting up a webpage, as yet unnamed.  To a mommy blogger, this is all very exciting.  Imagine the conversations at mealtimes! 

To top it all off, when I signed on to Homeschool Blogger to befriend Miss 12, I found out that I’m Homeschool Blogger of the Week!  Wow!  I feel so honored and so humbled.   Blogging has become an important part of my life and it’s amazing to be recognized in such a way.  I will work hard to deserve the honor.  Thank you, Kristen!   And may God be praised by all my efforts here.

Blessings to you all. 

Annie Kate


  1. Does this mean I have to pass the Homeschool Blogger of the Week Statuette over to you? Or do I get to keep mine? How much money did you get for your nomination? You DID get money, right? Oh well … recognition is just as good 🙂 :)!

    Congratulations! I love your blog!

    ~ Kristal ~
    P.S. I have two dogs who also fight over food – I don’t think they ever get over that. It’s a hierarchy thing. I have found that getting right in there and biting THEM confuses them so much they forget about fighting … I might be kidding about that … 🙂

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Ha, that’s funny! LOL

      Thanks for the chuckle.

      Annie Kate

  2. LarabaK says:

    Congratulations! You have a wonderful blog and deserve this honor. I’m happy for you!

    Chicken theft? That doesn’t sound good. Was the thief a human or an animal? Maybe you talked about it in another blog entry that I’ve not gotten to yet.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Thank you Laraba. ((Hugs))

      The chicken thief was an animal, but we’re not sure what animal. The dogs had something like a huge weasel–a fisher, perhaps? Or perhaps it was a muskrat and had nothing to do with the chickens. I couldn’t really tell, because it was awfully smelly already, and I wasn’t about to get close or to linger.

      Mr 15 cleaned it up for us. Teenage sons are great!

      Annie Kate

  3. Jenn 4 Him says:

    Sorry this is late…I had intended to come right away to congratulate you, as I think your blog is worthy of much honor. I always find something to be encouraged about when I am here. Thank you.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Thank you so much, Jenn!

      Annie Kate

  4. Rhonda Henrich says:

    Hello Annie,

    I was looking at homeschoolblogger.com and saw your blog. I am enjoying it! It’s super that your daughters have started blogs as well.

    My husband and I are homeschooling our two daughters, ages 12 and 5. I am considering blogging myself. At the moment, I’m in the research and pondering phase.

    May God bless your endeavors.

    In Him, Mrs. Rhonda Henrich

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