The prospect of getting homeschooled kids into university can seem quite frightening. I was recently talking with a mom who is going to do online public school so that her children will have ‘the right courses’ to enter university. She was cheerfully determined to follow this course, so I didn’t try to dissuade her, but really, it’s not necessary.
Instead, she could have continued the excellent home education she was giving her children and added a few standard tests such as SAT’s or AP’s, whatever her chosen universities required. Using the Comprehensive Record Solution would have enabled her to document her homeschooling so that universities would have been eager to admit her children.
I go to great effort to choose rigorous, quality curriculum for my children. I consider the worldview of each curriculum, its goals, how easy it is to learn from, and the amount of time and effort it will demand from me. As a reviewer, I love to evaluate curricula, and I’m excited when something exceptionally good crosses my path. Of course we want to use these excellent resources to provide the best individualized education for our teens. We don’t want to settle for public school standards and values just to be able to get into university. …
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