Imagine sitting on a verandah rocking chair, surrounded by greenery and birdsong, while cuddling a bunny and chatting with a daughter…rejoicing in the knowledge that this is currently the best possible use of my time. Bunbun, our new little friend, has added so much joy to our lives! Ottawa’s Sunset Ceremonies were spectacular: the world […]
Bloggers Who Became Authors
While reviewing Nina Amir’s How to Blog a Book (link to my review), I realized that many of the books I’ve read are very closely related to their authors’ blogs. As someone who delights in watching others achieve big dreams, I offer you this list of bloggers who have published books based on their blogs. […]
Comments Not Working–How to Connect with Me for Now
Dear friends, my comments have not been working for a few weeks, and I just want to tell you that I really miss your feedback and encouragement! Thank you Jenn for alerting me to the comment problem a while ago and to Jedidja for mentioning it again today. Unfortunately my hosting company has been having […]