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Harvest, Health, and Thanksgiving

We have been busy harvesting these weeks: raspberries, those delicious bits of goodness, as well as endless piles of tomatoes, a study full of apples, pails of sauerkraut fermenting on the counter, crispy fall salads, luscious melons, and so much more. Now that I have better balance, doing all these things is more possible.  We […]

Harvesting and Homeschooling

Today I plan to freeze tomatoes, pick raspberries, and dry lemon balm—in the car of all places(!), something I learned from Traditional Cooking’s Dehydrating course.  We also need to clean up windfall apples in our little apple orchard and, on top of that, there is schoolwork to do. This is a problem, because it is […]

The Homeschool Garden

Over the years, gardening has become part of our identity and it has hugely influenced all of us, in terms of learning as well as food, flowers, and skills.  So, when Tricia at The Curriculum Choice was looking for someone to host a feature about gardening and homeschooling, I jumped at the chance. What an […]

September and October at our House

Our lives are filled with miracles, the ones that recur every day and seem almost normal, like sunrise, electricity, digestion, relationships, and forgiveness, and the ones we pray and give special thanks for like impossible cures, unexpected successes, and mind-blowing coincidences.  When these happen, we need to be grateful, not proud; we need to see […]

Planting in Hope:  1480 Crocus Bulbs

For years, decades even, I’ve dreamed of a lawn covered with crocuses in the spring. It’s like painting with flowers, God’s colors and textures. This spring I mentioned my dream several times and my dear children caught the dream, too.  Together they gave me 1000 crocus bulbs.  Now that we are planting them, it turns […]