Are you trying to decide whether or not to attend your local homeschooling conference? Are you weighing the hassle against the benefits and not sure if it would be worth it? Let me tell you something. Going will benefit you in at least 8 ways, and most likely you will be able to bless someone […]
Review: Mere Motherhood by Cindy Rollins
I wrote and scheduled this review a while ago. Since then another one of my children has moved out. Growing up and becoming independent are good and necessary things, but even under the most ideal circumstances they cause turmoil for us mothers. And when are circumstances ever ideal in this broken world? So I reread […]
September and October at our House
Our lives are filled with miracles, the ones that recur every day and seem almost normal, like sunrise, electricity, digestion, relationships, and forgiveness, and the ones we pray and give special thanks for like impossible cures, unexpected successes, and mind-blowing coincidences. When these happen, we need to be grateful, not proud; we need to see […]
Homeschool Reading and Resource List
Homeschooling is a challenging calling, but there are some resources that make it easier. Here are some that we have loved, that you might want to consider for your homeschool reading this summer. As you go through this list, remember, the only indispensable one is the Bible; the next three most helpful ones are 102 Top Picks, How […]