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8+1 Reasons and 8 Tips for Attending your Homeschool Conference

Are you trying to decide whether or not to attend your local homeschooling conference?  Are you weighing the hassle against the benefits and not sure if it would be worth it? Let me tell you something.  Going will benefit you in at least 8 ways, and most likely you will be able to bless someone […]

Three Foundational Goals for 2018, and One More

In the wee hours of this morning, eating a banana in the dark while watching the moon, Jupiter, and Mars creep through the bare branches of our basswood tree, I thought of Psalm 8.  When David admired the night sky, probably while out with his sheep, he asked, “What is man that you are mindful […]

Review: Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung

We all have a lot of decisions to make and, according to DeYoung, our evangelical culture does not promote wise decision-making.  Part of the problem is that we have so many choices to make, but much of the time we are swayed by incorrect theology.  This dramatically reduces our effectiveness, both in our personal life […]

Examples of High School Records for Multiyear, Literature-Based History Courses

At one point I was asked exactly how I recorded my teens’ Canadian history studies for their university admission records.  I could see no other way to answer the question than to cut and paste the relevant sections from their comprehensive records, which makes this article incredibly long.  Hopefully it will benefit some of you. […]

33 Reminders for Homeschoolers

Because homeschooling is a marathon, not a sprint, we must emphasize the right things and minimize many others in order to be able to continue year after year in love, joy, and peace.  I’ve been homeschooling for over two decades and still forget so much so often!  So here’s a simple list of reminders for […]