Competition is important, but so is cooperation. From many points of view, in fact, cooperation is by far the more valuable but it is not an easy thing to teach in our very competitive world. What’s more, nothing spoils a family game faster than siblings bickering about losing or winning. For these reasons, I was […]
Simple Joys
Learning by Puzzling

Puzzles are fun and they are also an excellent way to learn visual information. Searching for just the right piece, whether by color, pattern, or shape, makes one actually see the picture. The process of holding that information in one’s mind while searching through dozens or hundreds of similar puzzle pieces develops concentration. Puzzling itself […]
Fall Recipes: 15+ Ways to Enjoy or Preserve the Harvest
Every fall, I search my own blog for our favorite harvest recipes. This year I decided to compile a list so you can enjoy them as well. These are all favorites that we have used over and over, from salsa and sauerkraut to pumpkin slice, apple salad, soups, and Thanksgiving turkey. I have included a […]