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foreign language

Table of Genders of French Nouns from French Three Years

One of the tricky things about learning French is learning the gender of the nouns.  This is important because several words in a sentence can depend on a noun’s gender, and if you get that wrong, much of the sentence is wrong. Traditionally, you just learn which nouns are masculine and feminine as you learn […]

Review: The Avion My Uncle Flew by Cyrus Fisher

Every once in a while it still happens: I discover a ‘new’ old book that absolutely delights me.  The Avion My Uncle Flew, a 1947 Newbery Honor book, was the latest.  Charming, complex, beautifully written, exciting, uplifting, and funny, it tells the story of Johnny Littlehorn, an injured American boy who unwillingly spends the summer […]

Review: WordUp!

Sometimes we moms need to introduce something new and different into our homeschool days. This fall is like that for us, and one of the new things we’re trying is Word Up, a vocabulary program from Compass Classroom. Usually we do not use vocabulary programs, relying instead on enormous amounts of reading to increase our […]

Review: Greek Alphabetarion and Hupogrammon by Harvey Bluedorn

Our family has studied Greek in the past, but there’s something about learning a different alphabet that makes it very difficult for younger students.  What we really needed was a Greek phonics book—rather than a curriculum that covers the entire alphabet in two weeks—and a copybook to practice writing the letters. Well, Harvey Bluedorn, long-time […]

Review: The Kids Can Press French and English Word Book

My goal for elementary school French is to have the children spend about 10 minutes a day, every school day, exposed to spoken French.  I want them to become familiar with vocabulary, the sound of the language, and some of its sentence structures. Most of all, I want them to enjoy it and feel a […]