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Planning an Unusual High School Credit—A Horsey Example

Miss 14 almost had the saddle on the horse when the barn door opened and a stranger walked in.  He turned out to be the co-op co-ordinator for the local high school looking for one of his students, and suddenly a lightbulb turned on in my head. Perhaps I could give Miss 14 a high […]

Review: Introduction to Psychology from a Christian Perspective by Vicki Tillman

Many teens are interested in psychology, but most psychology texts are written from a non-Christian or anti-Christian point of view.  On the other hand, Christian psychology courses, such as Sonlight’s AP course, are available for homeschools but are too difficult for many teens. In her Introduction to Psychology from a Christian Perspective, Vicki Tillman, M.A., […]

Review: The Peaceful Wife by April Cassidy

When April Cassidy, a driven, perfectionistic, controlling type A person, got married, she didn’t realize that the very qualities that led to her success in the workplace were a handicap in her marriage.  In The Peaceful Wife she shares what it took her years of misery to find out:  how to apply the biblical view […]

Review: Smart but Scattered Teens by Guare, Dawson, and Guare

Perhaps you have one of them, a teen who is bright but just can’t seem to get things together.  Sometimes I suspect most of us, parents and teens, are scattered in one way or another.  But some struggle in a deeper way with executive skills, ‘the functions of our brains and thought processes that help […]

Jane Eyre: Thoughts and Quotations

You’ve probably heard the story.  Orphan Jane, mistreated as a charity case, courted as a governess, tempted to become a missionary, narrates.   She tells of rugged Mr. Rochester, dear little Adele, sweet Diana and Mary, cold St. John and, above all, herself, a meek but intense person, easily overpowered, capable of revolt when pressed too […]