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Fit Mommy Friday: Health and Fitness Check-In

encouraging each other

to care well

for the bodies God has given us

I am so excited to be the featured columnist for the new Health and Fitness Check-In column of The Christian Home Carnival.  This carnival, full of inspiration and goodness, is posted weekly .   The check-in, however, will be on my blog and I’ll be putting a linky at the bottom of my Fit Mommy Friday posts.  Please feel free to join any time.

Now, this check-in is for all levels of fitness. If you run marathons, we’d love to be inspired by you and to cheer you on.  If you have 200 pounds to lose, we’ll encourage you and celebrate each pound.  If you have food challenges, we’ll sympathize and be there for you. Whatever your health and fitness level, if you want to be encouraged and to encourage others, please join in.  

I, myself, am still recovering from years of untreated celiac disease. I cannot run any distance at all, nor can I do a single pushup.  But I can mash the potatoes, sweep the floor, and play catch with my kids—all things that I couldn’t do two years ago.  And one of the reasons I can do them now is due to support and encouragement from my online friends through almost 20 months of weekly fitness check-ins.

These two simple steps have worked for me:

  1. set personal health and fitness goals
  2. post about successes in meeting those goals…and failures, too

To start this new check-in with a dismal flop, I’ve met very few of my goals this week.  Life has been unusually stressful and busy, and we’re grateful we’ve survived.  Here’s how I did:

Do my eye exercises 3x a day …  No.

Go for a walk at least once a day … Yes, and they were good, long walks. 

Do calisthenics at least 3 times a weekNo, but I did them once.  That’s a start. Right?

Avoid sugar six days a weekYes, except for today when we were out later than we expected; I had a gluten-free peanut bar.

Eat lots of vegetables and yoghurt …  Yes.  It’s harvest season at our home, and we’re eating tomatoes by the gallon.  The last batch of yoghurt was a little curdly, but I’ve bought new starter and plan to start another batch tomorrow.

Rest daily, and do more fun things with the kids …   I did not rest enough, and I feel weary.  On the other hand, the kids and I played in the pool, read stories, chatted, watched the ducks, and ate good food. 



  1. Briana says:

    I’ll have to join up again. I’m glad you’ll be hosting this!

    You had a pretty good week!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Thanks, Briana!

  2. JoAnn says:

    I’m actually writing a ‘health’ post, which you know I don’t usually do. I wanted to have it posted today, but I didn’t get it done. Hopefully I’ll get it finished and posted tomorrow.

    Glad you are harvesting and getting lots of veggies. Sounds like you had a good week. 🙂

  3. Annie Kate says:

    Looking forward to it!

  4. Jenn4him says:

    I’m so glad you are going to take this on. Thank you. I appreciate all your kind encouragement to me. As for your check-in, I’d have to say it is not dismal at all, not one bit! Many people would love to be as diligent with walking and eating so well!!! 🙂

  5. JoAnn says:

    Ok I added my link. Thanks for your encouraging words, and it’s great to hear you are getting healthier and the food is working for you symptoms. 🙂

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