When you focus on providing a rigorous education for your children, you are busy. Very busy. And so are your kids. In fact, there seems to be little time and energy left for extras, things like life skills, personal projects, chasing rabbit trails, art, music, nature, reading aloud, volunteering, and competitions. Occasionally homeschoolers are tempted to […]
Two Valentine’s Resources to Bless Your Family
With all the talk about Valentine’s decorations, food, and crafts, I occasionally get inspired to make some of them. Like last year, when we decorated and ate a heart-shaped cake. But to me, the most inspiring Valentine’s articles are always the stories and practical tips with suggestions on how to show love to your family. One […]
Just One Homeschooling Day Among Many
A homeschooling mom’s day can vary so much! Today I went from making a list of weekly homeschooling goals for Miss 15 to correcting Miss 10’s creative spelling; from reading aloud about a back-woods author to watching Victorian farm; from admiring a beautifully iced cake to scratching my head over Mr. 17’s physics experiment; and […]
Review: A Farmer’s Daughter by Dawn Stoltzfus
Since I have celiac disease, I rarely pick up a mainstream cookbook, but A Farmer’s Daughter was irresistible. You see, it’s about real, yummy, please-your-family food. What else would a Mennonite dairy farmer’s daughter (and former owner of The Farmer’s Wife market) write about? A Farmer’s Daughter: Recipes from a Mennonite Kitchen is full of […]