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Review: Real Food Kids Cooking Course

We have about 18 years to teach our kids all sorts of academics, from reading to advanced math. It’s an overwhelming load, and occasionally homeschooling parents forget the importance of practical subjects like nutrition and cooking. This is a bad thing, because food and food preparation choices can affect our lives in many ways. In […]

Review: Fundamentals II from Traditional Cooking School

For years we have been interested in traditional cooking.  It began, I think, with the repeated reading aloud of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books, one of which we read aloud (and lost) on the plane as we moved to Europe two decades ago.  It went on to an interest in medieval cookery, and it is continuing […]

Fall Recipes: 15+ Ways to Enjoy or Preserve the Harvest

Every fall, I search my own blog for our favorite harvest recipes.  This year I decided to compile a list so you can enjoy them as well.  These are all favorites that we have used over and over, from salsa and sauerkraut to pumpkin slice, apple salad, soups, and Thanksgiving turkey.  I have included a […]

Harvesting and Homeschooling

Today I plan to freeze tomatoes, pick raspberries, and dry lemon balm—in the car of all places(!), something I learned from Traditional Cooking’s Dehydrating course.  We also need to clean up windfall apples in our little apple orchard and, on top of that, there is schoolwork to do. This is a problem, because it is […]

Review: Fundamentals I from Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS

For the last few years, my kitchen has been rather boring—there has been good healthy food, especially when the garden is producing, but very little excitement.  That is changing now that I’m studying Fundamentals I:  The Basics of Traditional Cooking. The course ebook is appropriately subtitled Make your kitchen healthy one task at a time, […]