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The Rijksmuseum Collection in Amsterdam

When we lived in The Netherlands, my three little ones and I would often head to Amsterdam.  Since our railway pass gave us free admission to museums, we liked to visit a museum in the morning and then, of course, the zoo in the afternoon.

We did not go to the Rijksmuseum frequently, but often enough that our two-year-old had a favorite Rembrandt painting that she wanted to see every time we went, Isaac and Rebecca, also known as The Jewish Bride.

Isaac and Rebecca by Rembrandt

Once I made the mistake of taking the children to the Van Gogh museum instead of to the Rijksmuseum, and when I had to break the news that her favorite painting was far away and she couldn’t see it this time, she sat in her little umbrella stroller and cried, “I want my Isaac and ’Becca!”

Nowadays, anyone with internet access can enjoy the Rijksmuseum collection.  It is amazing.  Enjoy!

This post is linked to Trivium Tuesdays and Encourage One Another Wednesday.

One Comment

  1. Amy says:

    That sounds just wonderful!

    Nothing like a free visit to a museum. We have a ‘free’ Art Institute here, but really they just increased our taxes to pay for it =)

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