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Fit Mommy Friday


Health-wise this was not a good week.  That 14,000 step day last week must have tuckered me out.  So did a few days of poor and nonexistent naps.  From other, non-fatigue symptoms, though, it seems that I may have confronted some hidden gluten this week.  There?s nothing to make me determined to stick to my gluten-free diet like my arms being tired after putting two (yes, two) cups into the cupboard! 

I?m grateful to be feeling well today, though, and I?m thankful for the health of all my loved ones.  God has truly blessed us.

Yet, with blessings comes the responsibility to use them wisely, and that?s what Fit Mommy is all about.  Here?s how I did with my goals this week:   

Average at least 6000 steps, five days a week.    How about two days out of five, and 5000 steps on two other days?  Please let?s not talk about the other two days, though.  I promise I will go for a walk right after posting this.

Do my physio exercises regularly.  No, although I did them some of the time.  I also played organ for a few hours, which is my upper-body exercise of choice.

Avoid sugar six days a week.   Absolutely!  Even gluten-free double chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon buns didn?t tempt me very much this week, although they were, apparently, scrumptious.

Eat lots of vegetables and yoghurt.  We had very little yoghurt, but lots of vegetables.  In our area romaine lettuce is selling for almost $2, so the big one-pound boxes of mixed salad greens for $3 are a great deal and I bought two of them this morning.  Yum!

Rest daily.  One naptime we waited for a tow truck for our broken van.  One naptime I was too excited about my parents visit to rest adequately. The next naptime we went to the airport to pick them up.  And, finally, one naptime we were eating lunch after a morning out.  The next day I had two naps, like a young toddler, and it was blissful.  I felt like a new person.

If you want to join Fit Mommies, just visit Denise at Got Chai?  As you can tell from my posts, you don?t need to be very active or healthy to participate, although some of the Fit Mommies are.


  1. Rodna says:

    Good job on no sugar!

  2. YOU GO GIRL~sooo glad that you are doing so well~we’ll all have a week of lesser on occasion~just overall KEEP GOING which is just what you’re doing~woot!

  3. briana says:

    Good job! I hope you are feeling stronger next week.

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