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Fit Mommy Friday

This week we opened our pool…after fixing it up, from sand to liner, and discovering that our well-pump needs replacing.  The children love it, especially after an hour of warm garden work. 

I’m feeling well enough to swim across the pool, once, rather than just walking around as usual.  Miss 8 exclaimed in amazement, “Look, Mama’s swimming!” as though she didn’t know that was possible.  I suppose she can’t remember when I last swam.

Not that I met most of my goals:

Do my eye exercises 3x a day…  No.  Only a few times.

Go for a walk at least once a day…  Yes.  Mind you, yesterday the walks were in grocery stores.

Do calisthenics at least 3 times a week… Gardening counts; so does organ playing with pedals; so does scrubbing the walls.  Right?

Avoid sugar six days a week … Most of the time, yes. 

Eat lots of vegetables and yoghurt…   Yoghurt is definitely our most usual breakfast.  I have it with freshly ground flax seed; the kids prefer muesli with it, or just plain yoghurt. 

Yummy edible weeds are finally coming up, and I’m enjoying them as I garden. Both lamb’s quarters and purslane are apparently healthier than traditional vegetables. “Weed and feed!” my friend says.  The spinach and parsley are also ready to eat, and the arugula plant almost has enough leaves to lose one.  Besides that, there’s asparagus, but I’m freezing most of it now since the kids are sick of it.

Rest daily, and do more fun things with the kids… We’ve all been resting more.   The early risers are sleeping in, Mr. 16 crawled into bed at 11AM because it was cozy, my husband fell asleep at his desk, and I’m napping for much longer than usual.  Weird.  No one is really sick, but no one is full of energy either. 

As for fun things:  I played badminton with Miss 10 several times, spent time in the pool with all of the kids playing monkey in the middle, took Miss 8 grocery shopping twice, read aloud a lot, consulted with Miss 13 about her latest writing projects, and am almost ready to head out to a Medieval Fest with all of them in 90 minutes.

How about you?  Did you exercise, eat well, and relax happily this week?

If you want to participate in the Healthy Home Link Up, please visit Mrs. White at The Legacy of Home.  This meme is a continuation of Fit Mommy Friday, but the emphasis has changed.


  1. Debbie says:

    Sounds like you had a good week to me… and yes gardening definitely counts, that’s hard work; organ playing with pedals is great for the legs and legs; and scrubbing the walls may be the toughest of the three. I did not “work out” for 22 days… that is what my Wii said the other day, but we did so much cleaning that even though I did not stick to my diet those 22 days I did not gain an ounce.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      That’s great! Real life exercise is so much more fun, and it’s great to see that it works for weight control as well.

      Annie Kate

  2. Jenn4him says:

    I always enjoy your Fit Mommy posts. I have met my goals this week, too. I am about to go out and mow if the rain holds off. Mowing is my biggest effort of the week and I actually look forward to it now. The results last longer than cleaning the house! Congratulations on another fine week.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Lawn-mowing is great exercise, and you’re right, it does last longer. I find outside cleaning refreshing, but inside cleaning is much harder work. I suppose that’s partly because I’m more likely to ask for help with shovelling or digging than with scrubbing walls. LOL

      Annie Kate

  3. Angie says:

    Fit Friday is a great idea! It has been so hot here lately that I haven’t been able to do as much outside as I like. I have ridden around the block on my bike a couple days this week, and kicked the ball around with the 3 year old. It rained after the three hot days, so we may be confined to cartwheels, etc. in the house, but we will get our activity in!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      That’s the attitude! Keeping up with a three-year old can definitely be a workout. 🙂

      Annie Kate

  4. Briana says:

    Ooooh, enjoy the pool! We hope to put one up next year.

    I thought I was following you already, but now I am!

  5. Annie Kate says:

    Enjoy your pool when you get it! We find it saves a lot on air conditioning, and you can spend more of your vacation at home, saving on gas, camping, eating out etc. And it’s a great reward for gardening.

    Annie Kate

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