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Fit Mommy Friday: Stumbling Along

encouraging each other to care well for the bodies God has given us

My personal goal is to regain strength after a debilitating illness so that I can live a healthy, active life with my family.

Whatever your fitness goal, please feel free to join Fit Mommy any time.

Between fighting a sore throat and overworking to clean up after the storm (I just couldn’t admit to myself that picking up hundreds of tiny branches was aerobic exercise) I had a few very tired days.  But rest, cooperative kids, and a strict avoidance of sweets made a huge difference.

Easily my best memory of the week was lying on a zero gravity chair under the trees, reading The Horse and His Boy to the girls as they attacked our bugle weed patch.  I was too weak to do anything else, and it was relaxing simply to accept that fact and work with it rather than struggle to do more.

Here’s how I did with my specific fitness goals this week.

Record my fitness accomplishments each day… Yes.

Do 10 repetitions of my eye exercises 5 days a week and relax my eyes …No, only once.

Go for a daily walk and average 7500 steps a day … This week, reaching my step goal back-fired because I was not well enough to manage that much walking without overdoing it.  Here are the numbers: 7400, 3400, 7500, 5500, 3300, 6600, for an average of 5600.  I plan to take it easy for a few more days and just accept whatever step count happens without thinking about my goals.

Have good posture and do core strengthening exercises while walking… Still working on it.

Do 4 reps of my physio exercises 6 times a week… I’m adding this goal back again.  Although I will do only the bare minimum at first, I need to build up strength to prevent weeks like the past one.  I’ve done the exercises once so far.

Be usefully active for 1 to 2 hours a day, 6 days a week, without overdoing it … No.  I definitely overdid it, not realizing that the sore throat was reducing my energy level so much.  Two mornings I was not even able to sing.  I managed to fold some laundry, but I could not hang any up, nor wipe the table, wash my hair, etc.  I will continue to take it very easy and rest a lot…and wear my hair in a ponytail.  Yes, there’s a solution to every problem!  LOL

Avoid sugar five days a week … Yes.

Eat lots of vegetables, including fresh ones, and yoghurt … Yes, especially snap peas, fresh beans, purslane, radish seed pods, wild grapes, and tomatoes, as well as lots of yoghurt.

Prepare and eat one fermented food a week… No.  I’m continuing to focus on fresh veggies.

Relax daily…Yes.

Cut something out of my schedule…We stayed home all week, except for a quick trip to the doctor when Miss 14’s dizziness was accompanied by a heart rate under 50.  She’s probably OK.

Have fun with the kids, including active fun…We managed one walk up the creek, just before the storm.  Then we watched the wind snatch at the trees and chase the hail and the rain across our lawn.  That wasn’t fun, but it was certainly a bonding experience.  And we read aloud a lot.

How about you? Did you exercise, eat well, and relax happily this week?

Please link up your health and fitness post in the comments below. You can use your own format, your own goals, and post on whatever day works for you. Just don’t forget to link back here from your post.

Note: Fit Mommy Friday is the Health and Fitness Check-In column of The Christian Home Carnival.


  1. Jenn says:

    Aw, I’m sorry to hear you over did it. I hope your weekend brings more rest and relaxation. I’m off to camp, so I will be moving more by default, which I love!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Enjoy your camping!

  2. JoAnn says:

    So sorry you over did it and are now dealing with such fatigue. I do hope you are feeling better soon, and that you get all the rest you need. It sounds like you are blessed with such a great family to help you.

    I actually did a post this week, http://wgcreates.com/josjourney/fit-mommy-friday-27/ . 🙂

  3. Annie Kate says:

    I’m feeling a lot better today and am so tempted to catch up on all the things that need doing…but I hope to fight that temptation and spend a lot of time just sitting around.

    Yes, our family is so wonderful!

  4. briana says:

    I’m sorry you weren’t feeling well this week. It sounds like you handled it well. We finished The Horse and His Boy a few months ago and it’s almost time for the next book. There’s something so wonderful about reading aloud outside!


  5. […] and Fitness Check-in Featured Columnist -Annie Kate presents Fit Mommy Friday: Stumbling Along posted at Tea Time with Annie Kate.  She shares the need to grab rest when needed, which […]

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