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Miss 12’s Spelling Solution

Some children can spell easily, but others struggle, and struggle, and struggle. Somehow, they just don’t see the individual letters in a word or hear the individual sounds.

As we struggled for a solution, Miss 12 came up with a new way to study her problem words.

Miss 12's latest attempt to master her tough spelling words

Miss 12’s latest attempt to master her tough spelling words

This way she always has them with her and can always review them. What’s more, no matter where we are—or where the spelling book has disappeared to—she can remind me which words to quiz her on and I can remember which rules we are trying to reinforce yet again.

Besides, it adds fun to a subject that is very stressful for her and that is always a good thing.

I don’t know if writing the words on her hand will be a long term solution to her spelling difficulties, but the novelty of it will help for a little while at least.

Thinking outside the box by writing on her hand works for her, at least for today.

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